Friday, April 30, 2010

Gettin' Cozi

Have any of you heard of Cozi? It's an online family organizing tool, and I have to say I think it looks pretty cool and has great potential.

If you're a mom or a family who spend a lot of time online, this might just be a great way for you to keep all your eggs in one basket. With Cozi you can create a shared family calendar (complete with color coding for different family members or shared events), to do lists and shopping lists (with Iphone and smartphone applications), a family journal-slash-website that you can invite extended family and friends to view (something a little more exclusive than Facebook, perhaps?) and a couple of other neat applications. I think you can even sync it to your Outlook.

I'm not sure that I would make use of Cozi right now - to be honest I actually created an account before I was pregnant with Pax and it has lain dormant - but that is because our family is small enough and young enough for me to coordinate with my trusty paper calendar. Even in this techno-advanced world, the simplest things can be the most functional.

However, I can see it being very useful once Pax gets older and his activities stretch beyond accompanying mommy to the grocery store, and momma/baby play dates. The biggest key will be to get my darling husband to buy into the idea, and contribute towards and access the shared info!

Let me know what y'all think of the site, and if you would consider using it for your family.


pandora said...

I wish I had Cozi when the boys were school-age. Having to remember basketball games, parent-teacher conferences, special school events, doctor and dentist appointments, etc. was a juggling act on a paper calendar. What a neat tool for 21st century parents.

Kara said...

I signed up for Cozi last week and so far I am loving it! It is great for our family calendar. I set up my phone and Craig's phone and now when he wanders what we are doing when he's gone for work he can check it. I never used the calendar on my phone cause it seemed like a pain to work with. I am excited to see how much we use Cozi and if it helps keep all our schedules straight once school starts and sports start again...Thanks!!!